
Giovi – Vodka 700 ML


Giovi vodka comes from the distillation of ancient Sicilian grains. Already in Roman times Sicily was famous for the great varieties of hard grains and for the fertility of the territory, so much so as to be defined by Cato the censor “the granary of the republic, the nurse in whose bosom the Roman people fed”.

Sicily is the region of Italy with the greatest variety of microclimates and types of soil.
Like a small continent, it contains all the environmental characteristics of the Mediterranean basin.

The particular pedoclimatic conditions of the island have allowed the spread of numerous varieties of wheat, grains for the most part disappeared because they are not suitable for intensive cultivation with mechanized processes and with extensive use of fertilizers.

The fermented wheat is distilled in a small column twice and reaches an alcohol content of 95 degrees, then refines for six months in steel.

The distillate is diluted with demineralized water from natural sources of the Peloritani mountains.

The vodka is cold filtered and then passed through activated carbon filters four times.

Finally it is bottled and distributed.

Categorie: ,

40% VOL.

70 CL.

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